a feeling our ancient ancestors had probly way more than we do / without scientific explanations to explain everything to our rational mind there are many more ways to perceive something / many more senses than 5

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so true, I'm sure. I'm suddenly feeling the separation of us from our higher senses is as intentional and reversible as the deforestation of so much of our planet. we are replanting! thanks for your support, Rohn.

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your post reminds me of a chapter in my book 'symbiosis' / "Maybe the universe came into being with a shriek of joy and has been reverberating with that ever since — from proto-matter to atoms to stars to planets to life to millions of species of life, life in profusion, life in a biosphere, life in a bubble on a small planet orbiting a medium sized star in a large galaxy. If the driving principle has always been to make it better, improve the design, keep the best ideas and let go of the mistakes — then copied into every genetic code is the possibility of possibility and written inside every living cell of every living creature that has ever lived on our planet or ever will is the echo of a joyful shriek."

the book is all about who we are and how we got here / i could send you a copy if you like

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